Learners in WPS VI are expected to:
- Act as role models to others and show outstanding manners at all times
- Follow the instructions of all WPS staff first time
- Treat others with respect and act in a manner appropriate to their surroundings at all times
- Adhere fully to the Sixth Form dress code
- Not act in a way outside of school that could bring the school into disrepute
- Behave appropriately avoiding insolence, bad language, non-compliance, damage to property, theft, potentially endangering others, violent conduct and/or disruption
- Sustain appropriate attendance and punctuality – attending ALL timetabled lessons and enrichment programmes agreed
- Put appropriate effort into their academic work, giving of their best and responding positively to teachers’ advice
- Engage with intervention and support programmes where necessary
- Take part in the minimum expected enrichment/skill and super-curricular programme
Where a learner is not living up to our expectations sanctions will be applied. These could include…
- Being asked to leave a lesson
- Being asked to meet with a teacher, tutor, Head of Department , Head(s) of Sixth Form and/or other and/or member of Senior Staff during an independent study period, before or after school, or during a break period
- A loss of privileges – such as access to facilities, staggered start times, the ability to leave the school site, the right to unsupervised independent study or unstructured time
- Being asked to agree to a report, support or intervention programme
- Being asked to attend a formal meeting with the Head(s) of Sixth Form with their parent(s)/carer(s)
- Being asked to attend a formal meeting with the Head(s) of Sixth Form and the Principal
- In exceptional circumstances, where a very serious infraction of our expectations has occurred, where there is a failure to engage with appropriate sanctions, or where repeated efforts at support and intervention have not produced an improvement in conduct, a learner may be asked to leave the Sixth Form
In accepting a place to study at WPS VI, learners and their parent(s)/carer(s) are taken to have accepted the conduct and behaviour expectations and the school’s right to impose the sanctions described above.