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Wootton Park School

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We are able to offer several types of therapeutic sessions to support with wellbeing concerns following referrals to the Wellbeing team. These sessions focus on a variety of topics, all with the overall aim of improving wellbeing as well as increasing confidence and resilience.

Our wellbeing team consists of:

In addition to small group and one-to-one work, the team delivers a wellbeing provision for the entire school through assemblies, Talking Tuesday activities, whole school Wellbeing days and  lunchtime drop-in sessions.

Individual and group sessions usually run for a minimum of 6 sessions and a maximum of 12 once a referral for wellbeing support has been accepted. If there are any concerns unresolved after 12 sessions we will write to parents and signpost external specialist support.

The Wellbeing team work closely with both the Safeguarding and Pastoral Teams to support all our learners.


Useful Contacts

If you need someone to talk to, reach out to any of the following: