Special Educational Needs & Disabilities
The ethos of Wootton Park School supports the requirements set out in the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Code of Practice that ‘every teacher is a teacher of every pupil’. We promote the view that ‘all learners are ‘range 1’ learners and all teachers are teachers of SEND learners.
Claire Woodbridge, SENCO
Wootton Park School is a school in which the learning and teaching, achievements, attitudes and well-being of every young person matter.
Regardless of age, ability or disability, all learners are entitled to a varied education and should be provided with the support and opportunities to enable them to become lifelong learners.
The approach to learners with special educational needs and disabilities is set within the context of the Code of Practice 2014 and the aims of Wootton Park School. It follows the guidance set out in part 3 of the Children and Families Act 2014. Learners with special educational needs and/or disabilities are admitted via the usual LA procedures and via close liaison with the SENCo. The SENCo and LDD team liaise closely with partner schools and early years settings to ensure a smooth transition for learners to both the primary and secondary phase.
Wootton Park School recognises that learners may have a range of different needs and this guidance should be read in conjunction with the school’s SEND Policy, Equality & Diversity Policy and Accessibility Plan. Wootton Park School ensures that learners with physical disabilities are treated on equal terms with their peers and follows the principles of the Equality Act 2010 to implement all reasonable adjustments to ensure that the same opportunities are available to these learners as their peers.
SEND Information Report (School Offer)
Contact us
If you have any queries or concerns regarding our SEND provision, please contact our SENCO: Claire Woodbridge: c.woodbridge@woottonparkschool.org.uk, 01604 931139. Complaints with regards to our SEND provision should be addressed to our SENCO in the first instance. Unresolved complaints will follow the school's complaints policy.
Claire joined Wootton Park School as SENCO in September 2016. She has over 10 years’ experience as the Head of Learning Development department and SENDCO in an ‘Outstanding’ school.
Claire has a BA Honours Combined Studies degree in History, Geography and English. She has a PGCE in History and has Qualified Teacher Status. Claire is currently responsible for whole school provision for SEND students.
The Northants Local Offer provides information for children and young people with special educational needs (SEND) and their parents/carers. The Local Offer gives details of what services children, young people and their families can expect from a range of local agencies, including education, health and social care. For further information, please follow the link below