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Wootton Park School

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Data Protection (GDPR)

Wootton Park School is committed to the protection of all personal and sensitive data for which it holds responsibility as the Data Controller, the handling of such data in line with the data protection principles and the Data Protection Act (DPA). All staff will treat all learner information in a confidential manner and follow the guidelines as set out in the General Data Protection Regulations Policy.

Wootton Park School has an agreement with Plumsun to provide a data protection service and act as Data Protection Officer.

The DPO monitors internal compliance, and informs and advises the school about data protection obligations and acts as a contact point for data subjects and the supervisory authority.

The DPO is independent, an expert in data protection, adequately resourced, and reports to the highest management level.

Any Data Processors, processing data on behalf of the school (eg external organisations) will confirm that they are achieving their obligations under the GDPR Regulations, and are registered with the ICO. 

Ruth Hawker, Plumsun Ltd, is the Data Protection Officer on behalf of Wootton Park School -