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Wootton Park School

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Careers Education Information Advice & Guidance

At Wootton Park School, we give our learners a plethora of opportunities to receive advice and guidance about their aspirations and future career pathways.

Careers Education is embedded throughout our PSHE (Personal, Social, Health, Economic) programme, Form Time CREATE sessions (Community, Resilience, Education, Access, Technology and Economics) and Sixth Form Personal Development lessons. We are dedicated in ensuring learners are able to engage with career education both in and outside the classroom. Our Careers Team includes our Careers Lead – Mr May, Careers Officer – Miss MacDougall and SLT Lead – Mrs Meadows.

Wootton Park School partners with local schemes and providers such as Aspire Higher, SEMLEP (South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership), University of Northampton, De Montfort University, and local Colleges. Throughout the year, we also engage with employers to offer our learners exciting opportunities to explore their future aspirations. During National Careers and National Apprenticeship weeks, we run employability events and workshops to support learners across all key phases with their next steps. In the summer term, the entire Year 10 and Year 12 cohort engages with a 5-day work experience placement.

We are delighted to continue our external partnership with the experienced Level 6 Careers Adviser from ‘The All Together Group’ who holds one-to-one careers meetings every week, to offer professional and tailored advice for our learners. Our Careers Adviser supports learners by discussing next steps, GCSE and Post-16 options, Personal Statements, Apprenticeship Applications, CVs and cover letters. Each learner in Year 10 through to Year 13 will have at least one 40-minute appointment, however if your child is not in this year group, and you would like them to have an appointment, please email


CEIAG Policy                                               Provider Access Policy                 

Career Development Framework                 Careers Learning Journey             

Aspire Higher                                               Year 11 Destinations                    



I think it was brilliant to see the students so engaged and prepared for the interviews. The set up worked well and personally, I really enjoyed meeting all the amazing students you have at the school - they are a credit!

Careers Mark

Wootton Park School achieved the Career Mark accreditation in June 2024. This is a nationally recognised benchmark of Careers Education, Information and Guidance quality. WPS joins only 24% of UK schools in successfully achieving the standards required to gain this award.

The report can be found here.

The Gatsby Benchmarks

Careers Newsletters


                   Parent & Carers       Learners       Employers & Training Providers