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Governance & Financial Information

"The governance of the school is strong. Relationships between governors and senior leaders are highly positive and constructive, based on a mutual understanding of support and challenge. Together they uncompromisingly strive for excellence and have a strong vision for the future success of the school." Ofsted July 2019

Remembering David Laing CBE

David served as a Member of Northampton Free School Trust from 2018 and was hugely valued and respected by our school community. David sadly passed away in March 2024.

David's time, support and knowledge helped Wootton Park School, and the Academy Trust, go from strength to strength. David was a keen supporter of the Trust's vision for growth and was a key member of the Trust's applicant group that secured the approval to open a new secondary school in Northampton. 

David will be remembered by the school community for his significant commitment to the education and welfare of young people. 

The school's 'Standing Stones', designed by David in 2022 , continue to provide a place of reflection for the community and future generations.












About the Governing Body

The Governing Body (Trust Board)  has responsibility for the following areas:

  • Strategic planning
  • Admissions
  • Well-being and safeguarding
  • Curriculum
  • Employment
  • Premises
  • Finance and regulations
  • Stakeholder engagement

The Governing Body is responsible for oversight and monitoring of the delivery of the agreed Development Plan as determined by the Trust.

  • The Governing Body oversees and monitors the work of the senior leadership team as a critical friend, holding them to account in accordance with the school's Development Plan.
  • The Governing Body provides support and challenge to the Principal, holding him to account for his work.
  • The Governing Body retains oversight over all aspects of the school’s operation.
  • The Governing Body is constituted with the requisite skills and expertise to perform its role effectively.
  • The Governing Body is involved directly in some elements of school life, such as the recruitment of key members of staff.

Trustee interaction with learners takes place through a planned cycle of visits to the school which provides opportunities for Governors to talk with staff in their 'linked areas' and to meet with a focus group of learners.

The Governing Body may delegate powers as appropriate in accordance with the approved Scheme of Delegation to an individual governor, committee, or to the Principal. Although duties and decision making can be delegated, responsibility for running the school remains with the Governing Body.

About Northampton Free School Trust

The Members of Northampton Free School Trust are the subscribers to the Trust’s memorandum of association, and any other individuals permitted to become members under its articles of association. The role of Members is to maintain an overview of the governance arrangements of the Trust.

  • Members' responsibilities are to hold an Annual General Meeting and appoint Directors to a vacant position.
  • Directors appointed by Members can also be removed by a unanimous vote of Members.
  • Members can amend the articles and may do so to support stronger governance arrangements.
  • While Members can also be Governors, retaining some distinction between the two layers ensures that Members, independent of Governors, provide oversight and challenge. 

Contact details

  • Roberta Brittle, Chair of Trustees

c/o Wootton Park School

Wootton Hall Park




01604 931139

Northampton Free School Trust registered office:

Meet our Governing Body

Darren Allmark

Titles: Governor

Roberta Brittle

Titles: Governor

Katherine Clough

Titles: Governor

Clare Douglas

Titles: HR Advisor & Clerk to Governors

Natalie Green

Titles: Staff Trustee

Christopher Howard

Titles: Governor

Ellie Lavelle

Titles: HR Manager & Staff Governor

Michelle McDowell

Titles: Parent Trustee

Mary Miller

Titles: Governor

Barbara O'Brien

Titles: Governor

Martin Scoble

Titles: Governor


Mary Laing

Titles: Member

Victoria Martin

Titles: Member

Deborah Mattock

Titles: Member

Jelena Motte

Titles: Member

Kelvin Thomas

Titles: Member

Wootton Park School is a member of the  National Governance Association (NGA). The Clerk to the Governors has a  NGA Level 3 certificate in clerking in school and academy boards. 

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